Darrell Sutton (00C)

Darrell Sutton (00C)

Darrell Sutton (00C)

Thanks to the help of some friends and a scholarship, Darrell Sutton (00C) was able to attend Berry and earn a degree in political science — the first step on his journey to becoming the successful attorney he is today. He is also a faithful member of our Martha Berry Society, driven to make a difference in the lives of students, just as someone did for him.

Early Influences

Darrell's time at Berry and the people he met here positively impacted his life and helped prepare him for his career in law. "Berry was instrumental in making my life what it is today. The people were incredible. I didn't have a professor that I didn't enjoy learning from. Then, the students — my gosh — it was just a great place to go to school, and great people to go to school with."

Among the most influential in the political science major's life was nationally renowned scholar and longtime Berry professor Dr. Peter Lawler, from whom Darrell learned and for whom he worked. "He had an incredible influence on me. For example, when I was deciding where to go to law school, using his unique perspective he gave me the advice that led me to select Mercer, and that choice alone paved the way for everything I've done professionally. It didn't stop there. He had a tremendous influence on me personally, too. "

A Resume to Impress

Darrell's path after Berry has been an impressive one. He earned his Juris Doctorate from the Mercer University School of Law and was admitted to the State Bar of Georgia in November 2003. He serves actively in his profession, having held leadership roles with the State Bar, the State Bar of Georgia Young Lawyers Division, the Cobb County Bar Association and the Cobb County Bar Association Young Lawyers Division. His Cobb County-based firm represents individuals and businesses in all manner of civil litigation matters, including workers' compensation and commercial general liability claims.

Paving the Way to Success

Darrell added that many of these opportunities might never have happened without the financial assistance that "sealed the deal" for him coming to Berry.

"Having the background that I had when I was in college, there were times when I really struggled financially and did not have the support network that many of my classmates had. If it weren't for the help of a scholarship and friends, I wouldn't have made it through college. It's simple: the school gave a lot to me, and as a result I want to give as much as I can back to Berry."

Darrell has supported students through the Save a Student Scholarship and, most recently, the Griswell Scholarship Program, which serves students who have overcome significant adversity in life. “When Berry developed that program, it spoke to me. If that program had been around when I was in school, I likely would have needed it. I can very easily identify with the folks who may need that assistance and want to be sure it is there to help them.”

The Martha Berry Society is a special group of alumni and friends whose collective generosity ensures that Berry remains a place of opportunity for students from all walks of life.



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