The Original Gift of Opportunity

Save a Student Scholarship
Students from difficult economic circumstances walk a tightrope that is razor thin. Many are first-generation college students who have already overcome enormous obstacles just to enter Berry's Gate of Opportunity. For these students and others, an unexpected economic disruption can be disastrous. The Save a Student Scholarship is often the last hope for those with nowhere else to turn. Gifts to the fund make it possible for Berry to extend critical assistance to high-need students impacted by hardship. Your gift of any size - combined with others - has the potential to make a huge difference.

Griswell Scholarship
The late Barry Griswell (71C) knew from experience that while there are many paths to success, some people start with the odds stacked against them. The Griswell Scholarship is intended for students who have already experienced significant adversity in their lives and found a way to rise above it. The primary criteria are challenging life circumstances, significant financial need and a "spark" that motivates them to work hard for a better future. Recipients benefit from generous scholarships and a high level of social, cultural and developmental support. Named endowments within the Griswell Program can be established for $200,000. A one-year scholarship can be named for $10,000. Contact Scott Breithaupt at 706-238-5897 or for details.

Named Endowed Scholarships
Named endowed scholarships are a Berry hallmark. Alumni cherish
the opportunity to extend to others the same helping hand that once reached out
to them; non-alumni welcome the chance to support Berry's historic mission by
extending the gift of opportunity to students of all backgrounds. With a
minimum endowment gift of $50,000 (payable over five years), you can honor
someone who has made a difference in your life by establishing an enduring
source of support for Berry students. Each year, in perpetuity, approximately 4.5%
of the earnings from your endowment will be awarded as scholarships. The
remainder is reinvested, facilitating further growth of your scholarship fund and
larger subsequent awards. Contact Scott Breithaupt at 706-238-5897 or for details.

Martha Berry's "dominating idea of service" is a cornerstone
of the Berry student experience. The Bonner Scholars embody this ideal by
contributing more than 20,000 hours annually to meeting the needs of children
of all ages, the elderly and the ailing, and the hungry and the homeless, as
well as causes that benefit all. In return, students who have overcome
tremendous challenges just to make it to college benefit from much-needed
scholarship support while growing together as members of a staff-supported cohort
of peers. Eligibility
is reserved for those with an estimated family contribution of $10,000 or less,
as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). An endowment gift of $100,000
(payable over five years) will name a Bonner Scholarship. Contact Scott Breithaupt at 706-238-5897 or for details.

on Berry's foundational commitment to using work as a means to develop skills
and shape character, the Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Program invites
students to "work their way through college" with the potential of graduating
debt free. Merging rigorous academics with meaningful personal and professional
development opportunities - all within the context of a close-knit community of
faculty, staff and peers - the program empowers students from all backgrounds
to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Endowments can
be established for $350,000 (to be modified for inflation if fulfilled over
multiple years). A one-year scholarship
can be named for $7,500 with matching support from an anonymous donor. Contact
Scott Breithaupt at 706-238-5897 or for details.

Baseball legend "Hammerin' Hank" Aaron is the perfect
embodiment of what happens when
hard work and potential are infused with opportunity. This same combination
inspired Martha Berry's vision of a truly life-changing educational experience.
Today, Berry is proud to partner with the Hank Aaron Chasing the Dream
Foundation on a scholarship rooted in these shared values. Stackable on top of
other awards, these scholarships extend the promise of Berry's experience-rich,
highly mentored education to low-income students from diverse populations.
Recipients benefit from experience gained through Berry's LifeWorks Program while
thriving as members of a community where faculty and staff know them by name. An
endowment gift of $88,000 (payable over five years) will name a Hank Aaron
Scholarship. An annual gift of $4,000
will support one scholarship student each year. Contact Jean Druckenmiller at
706-346-9807 or for details.