2022-23 Members
Young Alumni Leadership Giving Circle
We are pleased to honor the following young alumni for giving at a leadership level among their peers during Berry's 2022-23 giving year. Recognition reflects total cash gifts and pledge payments made between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023.
If you have any questions or concerns about your placement, contact Cecily Crow (94C) at or 706-290-2170.
(Equivalent to $1,000 annual donor)
Momo Abdellatif (19C)
Madison Acton (23C)
Leeanna Allen (23C)
Kristian Anderson (20C)
Thomas Benton (21C)
Janani Bhavani (23C)
Rachel Bibbey (20C)
Amber Bingham (23C)
Jacob Bronkema (23C)
Dakota (14C) and Melissa Kelly (14c) Burke
Margaret Camerieri (23C)
Michael Carboni (23C)
Ashlyn Carney (23C)
Nick (17C) and Mary Grace Carr
Ruth Carraway (23C)
Aaron (15C) and Lizzie Hendrix (15C) Chastain
Hayley Chiappetta (23C)
Joanna Clark (23C)
Benjamin Colebaugh (23c)
Haikal Cooper (23C)
Kyle Cossio (22C)
Hailey Craig (23C)
Shakarah Boswell Cummings (16C, 22G)
Joshua Cutter (18C)
Asa Daniels (23C)
Amanda Davidson (20C)
Brandon (14C) and Charlotte Collins (14C) Davis
Katherine DiRuggiero (23C)
Ethan Dudley (23C)
Zoe Dupont (23C)
Ree Palmer Easton (16C)
Emily Nix Fiddler (16C)
Sam Forte (19C)
Nathan (20C) and Mary McLane (21C) Gaby
Brent Gass (23C)
Darla Gore (23C)
Patrick Groh (19C)
Cassie Hale (14C)
Will (11C) and Dana Wenger (13C) Harper
Viola Hasko (23C)
Ciera Heinrich (23C)
Haven Hendrix (23C)
Sarah Huffman (23C)
Stephen Jackson (20C)
Clay Jones (21C)
Sam Jones (16C)
Rosalie Kahaly (23C)
Jack Kelly (20C)
Mariah Kelly (20C)
Michael Klein (15C)
Emma Kochanowski (23C)
Rachel LeRoy (15C)
Madison Letts (23C)
Laney Lutjens (21C)
Marshall Lynch (22C)
Sakura Manning (23C)
Noah and Maddie Jordan (19C, 21G) Miller
Lirio Morales Ibarra (23C)
Cory Mullins (20C)
Leighton O’Dell (23C)
Julia Oliver (23C)
Kelley Ozier (23C)
Sunday and Funmi (18C) Peters
Nate Phipps (19C)
Grace Pleasant (23C)
Vanessa Rice (23C)
Will (19C, 23G) and Haley Edmondson (19C, 24g) Richards
Alex Ruble (23C)
Dasha Schaaf (23C)
Katlin Seger (19C)
Alexys Serrano (23C) Matthew Shupenus (20C)
Trejohn Skinner (23C)
Amber Slyter (14C)
Ally Smith (19C)
Bryson Smith (23C)
Mary Chambers Smith (14C)
Sarah Smyly (23C)
Mamadou Soumahoro (19C)
Erika Sprecher (21C)
Luke Steel (21C)
Emily Stone (23C)
Zachary Thacker (23C)
Hunter Tracy (18C)
Ross Valdez Fernandez (23C)
Anthony Vitale (23C)
Mike (14C) and Chrissy Ricketts (15C) Voso
Graham (18C) and Joanna Logan (18C) Wall
Mary Warren (23C)
Sydney Watson (22C)
Sydney Weaver (17C, 19G)
Emma Wells (23C)
Emma Williams (23C)
Megan Wilson (23C)
Trevor Word (23C)
Michael Zhu (21C)
Madison Acton (23C)
Leeanna Allen (23C)
Kristian Anderson (20C)
Thomas Benton (21C)
Janani Bhavani (23C)
Rachel Bibbey (20C)
Amber Bingham (23C)
Jacob Bronkema (23C)
Dakota (14C) and Melissa Kelly (14c) Burke
Margaret Camerieri (23C)
Michael Carboni (23C)
Ashlyn Carney (23C)
Nick (17C) and Mary Grace Carr
Ruth Carraway (23C)
Aaron (15C) and Lizzie Hendrix (15C) Chastain
Hayley Chiappetta (23C)
Joanna Clark (23C)
Benjamin Colebaugh (23c)
Haikal Cooper (23C)
Kyle Cossio (22C)
Hailey Craig (23C)
Shakarah Boswell Cummings (16C, 22G)
Joshua Cutter (18C)
Asa Daniels (23C)
Amanda Davidson (20C)
Brandon (14C) and Charlotte Collins (14C) Davis
Katherine DiRuggiero (23C)
Ethan Dudley (23C)
Zoe Dupont (23C)
Ree Palmer Easton (16C)
Emily Nix Fiddler (16C)
Sam Forte (19C)
Nathan (20C) and Mary McLane (21C) Gaby
Brent Gass (23C)
Darla Gore (23C)
Patrick Groh (19C)
Cassie Hale (14C)
Will (11C) and Dana Wenger (13C) Harper
Viola Hasko (23C)
Ciera Heinrich (23C)
Haven Hendrix (23C)
Sarah Huffman (23C)
Stephen Jackson (20C)
Clay Jones (21C)
Sam Jones (16C)
Rosalie Kahaly (23C)
Jack Kelly (20C)
Mariah Kelly (20C)
Michael Klein (15C)
Emma Kochanowski (23C)
Rachel LeRoy (15C)
Madison Letts (23C)
Laney Lutjens (21C)
Marshall Lynch (22C)
Sakura Manning (23C)
Noah and Maddie Jordan (19C, 21G) Miller
Lirio Morales Ibarra (23C)
Cory Mullins (20C)
Leighton O’Dell (23C)
Julia Oliver (23C)
Kelley Ozier (23C)
Sunday and Funmi (18C) Peters
Nate Phipps (19C)
Grace Pleasant (23C)
Vanessa Rice (23C)
Will (19C, 23G) and Haley Edmondson (19C, 24g) Richards
Alex Ruble (23C)
Dasha Schaaf (23C)
Katlin Seger (19C)
Alexys Serrano (23C) Matthew Shupenus (20C)
Trejohn Skinner (23C)
Amber Slyter (14C)
Ally Smith (19C)
Bryson Smith (23C)
Mary Chambers Smith (14C)
Sarah Smyly (23C)
Mamadou Soumahoro (19C)
Erika Sprecher (21C)
Luke Steel (21C)
Emily Stone (23C)
Zachary Thacker (23C)
Hunter Tracy (18C)
Ross Valdez Fernandez (23C)
Anthony Vitale (23C)
Mike (14C) and Chrissy Ricketts (15C) Voso
Graham (18C) and Joanna Logan (18C) Wall
Mary Warren (23C)
Sydney Watson (22C)
Sydney Weaver (17C, 19G)
Emma Wells (23C)
Emma Williams (23C)
Megan Wilson (23C)
Trevor Word (23C)
Michael Zhu (21C)