Berry alumnus Christopher Zefting (14C)

Christopher Zefting (14C) - Calling for Health, Compassion and Strength

New York City has been particularly hard-hit by COVID-19, but we're encouraged hearing stories of the amazing alums helping others there (and all over the world).

Here's what Christopher Zefting (14C) said about his experience in NYC.

What do you do for a living?

I'm a Program Officer at Religions for Peace, headquartered in New York City.

How have you been impacted by COVID-19?

I am fortunate enough to be working from home, remaining busier than ever to respond to the calls for action around the world. This photo is from a recent (virtual) all-staff meeting of the Religions for Peace (RfP) International Secretariat, led by our Secretary General, Prof. Dr. Azza Karam.

Christopher Zefting (14C) Zoom call

How have you been helping others during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The ongoing pandemic is a serious global challenge, which also presents an opportunity for self-reflection and universal care. I have been able to help during the pandemic in a few ways:

  • Coordinated an 'Interfaith Moment' with senior religious leaders, which was attended by over 10,000 people around the world. Leaders from diverse religious traditions met virtually to guide global believers in a spiritual moment of shared humanity - calling for health, compassion, and strength in the time of COVID-19.
  • Mobilized an interfaith youth media team to conduct interviews and share stories.
  • Supported interreligious networks to offer humanitarian aid and creative projects.

What would you tell Berry alums and/or students right now?

Many Georgia healthcare workers came to New York City to lend support to those in need, with the skills that many of you are now learning at Berry College. Consider the impact you can have on the future with everything you are learning now.

Anything else to share?

Sadly, COVID-19 has taken the lives more people in New York City than the tragedy of September 11, 2001. My hope is that we come through this tragedy with a greater sense of connection and compassion, while we mourn the ones we've lost.


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