When Jen Welch (08C) began her education at Berry with the intention of becoming a lawyer, she never imagined she would find her passion serving her community and encouraging others to do the same.
While at Berry, Jen majored in government and minored in legal studies. As a Bonner Scholar, she received a scholarship in exchange for completing community service both in the Rome area as well as nationally during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. This marked the beginning of 20 years of service and leadership within local and national community engagement programs that included serving two terms with the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps.
She began her career as AmeriCorps' program coordinator at Clayton State University. Over eight years, she grew the then-new program into a "premier community engagement organization" that produced meaningful and impactful service experiences that developed students into servant leaders.
Today, she works as the deputy executive director at Gwinnett/Walton Habitat for Humanity, leading the Volunteer Services, Neighborhood Revitalization, A Brush with Kindness and Water Resources Assistance programs. Since she began, the affiliate has doubled the number of houses built annually and increased the number of homes they can support yearly from 35 to more than 180. A grant proposal she wrote received $3 million in funding for plumbing and septic related repairs for more than 750 families. Under her leadership, Gwinnett/Walton Habitat received the Georgia Affiliate Hammer Time Repair Award for their home repair program.
Inspired by the program that initiated her desire to serve her community, Jen still finds time to give back to the Bonner Scholarship program by speaking with current and prospective Berry students and taking part in virtual career fairs and letter writing campaigns.