Hearing stories from our alums working in health care right now is inspiring.
Here's what one alumna, Maggie Will (15C), is experiencing at her job.
What do you do for a living?
I'm an RN at Redmond Regional Medical Center.
How have you been impacted by COVID-19?
COVID has impacted us all and disrupted our daily lives. But as far as the hospital goes, it has completely changed our work flow.
Daily we're faced with gowning up and wearing face shields to go in many patients' rooms, fearing we may be exposed.
How have you been helping others during the COVID-19 pandemic?
At the hospital we have been trying to educate patients as best as possible on how to stay safe and healthy.
We also try to comfort the patients when they see us all dressed up coming in their room, because I'm sure that can be intimidating.

What would you tell Berry alums and/or students right now?
Stay home, wash your hands, don't touch your face, and pray this will pass soon.
Anything else to share?
We've been overwhelmed by the support of our Rome community. All of the food and words of encouragement are more helpful than you know.
(The food in this photo was actually a donation from Chicken Salad Chick!)