Berry Heritage Society
We are grateful to the many alumni and friends listed below who have made provisions for future students. Their generosity helps to ensure that the Gate of Opportunity will remain open for generations to come.
Frank (54H, 58C) and Kathy Adams
Edward Addison
Helen Jessup Albanese (68C)
J.C. Albritton (15C)
Pat Alderman
Inman and Tricia Allen
Pam Anderson (76C)
Mark Aubel (81C)
Carol Austin (77C)
Shirley McDonald Bailey
Glen Barber (91C)
Frank Barron
Ray Barton (77C)
Jennifer Tucker Beard (93C, 00G)
David Beebe
Robert and Betty Anne Rouse (52H, 56C) Bell
Cecilia Lynch Bercher (88C)
Randy and Nancy Berry
Tom Berry
Reed (77A, 82C) and Shannon Walburn (81C) Biggers
Tracey Biles (94C)
Avys Billue (57c)
John (85C) and Cheryl Faust (89G) Bishop
John and Pat Blaga
Erin Drury Boorn (00C)
Rusty Bradley (71C)
Kathy Sparks Breithaupt (77C)
Scott (91C, 96G) and Juliana Osvald (99C, 06G) Breithaupt
Billy Brewer
Stephen and Brenda Morgan Briggs
Debbie Rivituso Brilling (81C)
Rob Brock (83C)
Brian (97C) and Susan Wells (97C) Brodrick
Kevin (99C) and Katy Moore (99C) Brodrick
Horace Brown (39C)
T. Mack Brown (82C)
Carol Winfrey Burnette (64C)
Steve Cage (74C)
Len Camp
Patrick Carter (91C)
Milton (78A, 82C) and Julie Reny (89C) Chambers
Aaron (15C) and Lizzie Hendrix (15C) Chastain
LaVonne Aspinwall Childers (47c)
Al (61c) and Becky Browning (61C) Christopher
Wendell Clamp
Bert Clark (82C)
David Clark (85c)
Jean Etherton Clark (70C, 74G)
Diane Clonts
Scott and Christine Hasenmueller Colley
John (60C) and Sandy Midkiff (60C) Cooper
Amy Cornelius
Glenn (62C) and Jena Cornell
Elsie Jo Coughran
Bart Cox (92C)
Wendy Dahlgren (03C)
Bettie Daniel (84C, 87G)
Tom Dasher
Sue King Day
Tina Stancil DeNicole (85C)
John Denney (68C)
Angela Dickey (75A, 79C)
Jennifer Dickey (77A, 80C)
Chester and Elaine Diercks
Lisa Diercks
Ginny Paese Douglass (68C)
John and Jean Wilkening Druckenmiller
C. Warren Dunn (77C)
Charles Elrod (86C)
Cleone Elrod
Debbie Emory
Ed (57C) and Evelyn Quarles (57C) England
Will Enloe
Russ Evans (56C)
Penny Evans-Plants (90C)
Janett Cofer Fauley (67C)
Glenn (70C) and Pam Priest (71C) Ferguson
Paul Ferguson
Jeff (81C) and Carol Field
Beverley Finch
Don (51H) and Mary Fite
Eddie (63C) and Rosa Nutt (64C) Fite
Bob (78C) and Maria Fong
Bob Frank
Bill and Faye (92c) Fron
Joan Fulghum
Frieda Fulmer
Butch Garcia (82c)
Francy Jessup Geiger (78C)
Gail Howard Gibson (82C)
Ed and Gayle Graviett (67C) Gmyrek
Justo Gonzalez
Bradford Gooch
Tim (03C) and Maureen Trane (03C) Goodwin
John Graham
Bud Hall (79C)
Frances Saus Hall (75C)
Garland Hall
John Hall (09C)
Yondi Linker Hall (80C)
Greg (82C) and Judy Cash (85C) Hanthorn
Natholyn Dalton Harris (61C)
Ruth Ables (48c) Harris
Chris (04C) and Brittany Houser (07C, 10G) Hayes
Susan Jones Haymore (00C)
Debbie Kendig Heida
Heather Henderson (03C)
John Heneisen
Peter (53H, 57C) and Emmaline Beard (55H, 58C) Henriksen
Don (65c) and Hiawatha Banks (63C) Henry
Marilyn Herring
Holly Low Hodge (88C)
Marie Hogan (64c)
Kelly Holloway (92C)
Jeffrey Horn (87C)
Karen Holley Horrell (74C)
Tim Howard (82C)
Bill and Sara Hoyt
Lauren Griner Isom (05C)
Joe James (08C)
Brenda Geraldson Jenkins (97C)
Tina Hayes Jennings (79C)
Lou Jewell
Joy Padgett Johnson (73C)
Dale Jones (71C)
Ish (49C) and Frances Jones
Justin Karch (01C, 10G)
Richard Kauffman (73C)
John Kemp (64C) and Linda Kelso
Sue Killcreas (78C)
Hal (60c) and Suzi Golden (60c) Kilpatrick
Dwight Kinzer
Timothy Knowlton
Mark (79C, 19G) and Holly Glasscock Kozera
Ed (64C) and Cecil Laird
Nancy McKinnon Lamontagne (55H)
Lee Jones Lance (53C)
Helen Lansing (20G)
David Lewis (65A, 69C)
John (54H) and Debra Lie-Nielsen
Terry (68C) and Charlene Head (67C) Lingerfelt
Valerie Loner (91C)
Floanna Large Long (68C)
Roger (79C) and Candy Caudill (82c) Lusby
Owen (97C) and Tina Campbell (95C, 97G) Malcolm
Phil (68C) and Charlotte Lee (71C) Malone
Catherine Marshall (76C)
Rufus (75C) and Mary Anne Schimmelmann (75c) Massey
Jeanne Mathews
Laura McBride (79C)
Danielle McCollum
Buzz and Barbara Mote (61C) McCoy
Tommy (79C) and Susan Harris (79C) McDearis
Jacqueline McDowell
Jason (98C) and Renee Spurlock (97C) McMillan
Matt (99C) and Heather Harper (04C) Medley
Clyde Medlock
Kim Terrell Melton (04C, 06G)
Fred (09G) and Nancy Mercer
Araya Mesfin (98C)
Tommy and Mary Ann Mew
Donald (57C) and Typhnes Fish (57C) Midkiff
Robert Milam
Jason and Melanie Prater (91C, 99G) Miller
Lee (72c) and Liza Keith (71c) Miller
Richard and Laura Barbarito (81C) Miller
Roy Miller (58C)
Kermit (55C) and Joyce Burch (57c) Mock
Audrey Morgan
Maureen Morgan (91G)
Carrie Murakami (10C)
Mary Nadassy
Chad Nash (13C)
Scott and Fay Neal
Chuck (84G) and Rose Nix
Ken Sicchitano and Bettyann O'Neill
Celeste Greene Osborn (72C)
Mary Outlaw
Jeff (09C, 11G) and Jennifer Massengale (11C, 15G) Palmer
Sunny and Kay Park
Lloyd Parker (72C)
Ellen May (57C) Partridge
Barbara Patton (66c)
Violet Paul
Patti Peres
Marti Sheats Perkins (67C)
Stan and Jo Ann Pethel
Kathy Pollard
Danny (87C) and Tammi Ridenhour (87C, 03G) Price
Louis and Anita Tancraitor (86C) Profumo
Chang Pu
Jonathan (85C) and Crystal Purser
David Rapp and Lee Anne George
Sam (76C, 78G) and Nancy Duvall (77C) Ratcliffe
Debbie Reis (82C)
Angie Salmon Reynolds
Jason (94C) and Kelly McElroy (94C) Richardson
Frances Richey (83A, 87C)
Steve (85C) and Kristen Riley
Thomas Rivers (78C)
Brad (95C, 03G) and Rebecca Nuchols (94C) Roberts
Nell Dalton Roberts (52C)
Pete and Carol Snyder Roberts
Barbara Robertson (79C)
Bill Roseen (78C)
Dave Rowland (87C)
Doris Vaughn Rowland
Melvin Rozar (57C)
Susan Shreve Rudolph (75c)
Rosie Hoagland Russell (78C)
Darwin Samples (50C)
Suzanne Scott
Larry (65C) and Jerry Sculley
Jean Hames Sellers (85C)
Jerry Shelton (58C)
Raiden Sherman (69C)
Judy Silvey (61C)
David (97C) and Alyson Simpson (97C) Slade
Casey (00C) and Angela Smith
Gary Smith
Mary Frances Hamlin Smith
Pam Smith
Ann Saywell Spears (67C)
Stacey Spillers
Bernie Spooner (53H)
Reg (51C) and Maxine Strickland
Denise Sumner (89C)
Jason (88C) and Melinda Mitchell (90C) Sweatt
Steve Tankersley (56H)
Larry and Betty Jane Taylor
Fred Tharpe (68A)
Michael (87C) and Elizabeth Thompson
Mandy Tidwell (93C)
David Tribula (82C)
Charles Trotter (69C)
Roger Tutterow (84C)
Marti Walstad
Joe (62C, 76G) and Duanne Self (62C) Walton
Gary (80C, 89G) and Bambi Estill (79c) Waters
Jim Watkins
Jim Way (52C)
Larry (63C) and Pat Webb
Sandy Wedow (69C)
Lenard and Bernice Ogle (53H) Whaley
Philip Whanger (59C)
Steve (80C) and Cindy Snead (80C) Wherry
Whit (81C) and Maria Crego (85c) Whitaker
Becky Moore White (82C)
Michael Williams (03C)
Harry (57H) and Ginna Wise
Rick Woodall (93C)
Mary Wooton
Darryl Worth (66c)
Buster (73C) and Janice Wright