We love hearing about the creative ways the Berry community is helping others during the COVID-19 pandemic! Here's how Brittni and Blake Hall are making a difference.
What do you do for a living?
My husband, Blake Hall, works for Berry as an Admissions Counselor and graduated from Berry in 2015. I'm a Lacrosse coach at Berry.
How have you been impacted by COVID-19?
COVID-19 has caused my husband and me to start working from home, which is tough with a newborn! It's also impacted me as a lacrosse coach. Spring is our major playing season and it was cut short due to Covid-19.
How have you been helping others during the COVID-19 pandemic?
My husband and I started what we call the "Summerville Park Trading Post." We live in a neighborhood called Summerville Park and modeled our trading post off of the idea of the free little libraries. It is a box that sits outside of our home every day. We stocked it with essential goods (toilet paper, pasta, rice, diapers, etc.) so that if someone has a need, it can hopefully be met with the box. If someone bought an abundance of an item, they can donate it to the box. The idea is to make a trade!
What would you tell Berry alums and/or students right now?
During this time, I think it is important to look outside of yourself and be thankful. Even though we are in isolation, we are not alone. Lean in to your Berry community, your neighborhood, your family, and your faith, even if from a distance.