We've been hearing from many of our amazing nursing alums over the past few weeks, and we are so honored to share their stories.
Here's what one alumna, Nina Funderburk (06C), said about being an RN in Baltimore, MD right now:
What do you do for a living?
I have been a registered nurse for almost 10 years, 7 of which I have spent in Maryland.
As a nurse, how have you been impacted by COVID-19?
While the surge of COVID-19 patients hasn't hit Baltimore yet, we are anticipating in the next week or two it will be here. We are already receiving many rule outs and positive patients so are diligently preparing to be inundated like other states already are.
Thankfully, the staff in the emergency department at UMMC Midtown Campus received personal respirators. While I am very grateful for this much needed PPE, as I know many have much less protection, it is already beginning to take a toll on my skin.

I believe I can speak for all of my fellow staff members when I say it is a very stressful and scary time. However, we are doing our best to stay positive and maintain some sort of mental stability.
What would you tell Berry alums and/or students right now?
Thank you to all those who have shown their support in the way of donating equipment, providing food, and giving words of encouragement. This is a challenging time in my career but I have no doubts about the path I was called to. Emergency nursing is my calling, and I will fight for you. Will you stay home for me?