Learn more about Cassie LaJeunesse's (20C) story in her Berry profile.
Berry students are proving how resilient and adaptable they are during these difficult times!
Here's how senior Cassie LaJeunesse (20C) and her team are continuing to release COVID-19 coverage remotely.
What do you do at Berry?
I am about to graduate from Berry! At Berry, I am the editor-in-chief of the student newspaper, the Campus Carrier.
How have you been impacted by COVID-19?
Due to COVID-19, I've lost experiences that I looked forward to for years. I will not have an opportunity to sing in my final choir concerts at Berry, produce my last five issues of the Campus Carrier, or spend precious time with all of my friends.
How have you been helping others during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Right now, the Carrier and Viking Fusion are doing what we can to release COVID-19 coverage remotely.
I have been working with other student media leadership, as well as our advisers, to plan how best to continue to serve the Berry community. I've written a few articles as Berry has released information, and we have several volunteers working on more long-term pieces.
My team at the Carrier has been amazingly flexible during all of this, as has the Fusion staff. I'm lucky to work with such a great group!
Anything else to share?
The Berry community is strong and resilient. Though we are struggling, we will get through this together.
I wish that I could be on campus right now, but it comforts me to know that the Berry community is even larger than the world's largest campus!