Peggy Howard Note Writing Crew

Peggy Howard (67C) - Putting the Motto to Practice

Peggy Howard Note Writing Crew

Thank you to the alumni who volunteered to be Crew Chiefs and helped answer questions and support those on their virtual work crews!

Learn more about one of our Note Writing Crew Chiefs, Peggy Howard (67C), below.

What do you do for a living?

I taught High School for 31 years and am now retired.

Tell us one fun fact about you!

I was teased a lot at Berry College by classmates and friends about being so short my students would not be able to see me in front of the class room!

How do you stay involved as an alumna?

I usually attend Work Week and am presently chair person for the Activities Work crew.

What part of Virtual Work Week are you most excited about?

Contacting alumni and graduate students through note cards. It is so good to put into practice the motto "not to be ministered unto, but to minister."

I am excited about doing all I can to make Virtual Work Week a success!

What makes you passionate about the Note Writing Crew?

My first work week, I became a part of the Activities work crew where 3 of my classmates and friends were already a part of the crew. I became friends with the other members and found the work a joy.

Most of our crew still returns every year. We all know our responsibilities and look forward to each new year working together.

Anything else to share?

I would like to see more Alumni from the '67C class to attend Work Week at Berry. The work time is so rewarding when you see what is being accomplished for Berry.

Learn more about Virtual Work Week and see photos from the week of service here.


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