Berry alumnus Danny Price leans over sewing kit while making face masks

Called to Help: Danny Price (88C)

Berry alumnus Danny Price leans over sewing kit while making face masks

Berry alumnus and In-House General Counsel at Berry College Danny Price (88C) learned a new skill during the pandemic in an effort to help others. His wife and fellow Berry alum, Tammi Price, shares an insight into their life during the pandemic:

How have you been helping others during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Danny has been making masks for friends and family. He borrowed a sewing machine from a friend, and with the help of his mother-in-law via FaceTime, he taught himself to sew. He found a pattern that he liked, tweaked it and hasn't stopped sewing yet! 

What would you tell Berry alums and/or students right now?

Find a place where you can help others. This is what we're called to do. But do it responsibly and stay safe. 

Anything else to share? 

Danny also went over to help the grounds crew during the spring to help mow the grass at Oak Hill. He loves to serve others!


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