Headshot of Berry alumna Kimberly McDonald

Berry Prepared: Kimberly McDonald (07C)

Headshot of Berry alumna Kimberly McDonald

Berry alumna Kimberly McDonald (07C) is an infection control and employee health director for Dorminy Medical Center. She's been working hard during the pandemic to keep her community and staff safe:

How have you been impacted by COVID-19?

I have experienced a much heavier workload! Preparing for a global pandemic in a rural hospital has been exhausting and has stretched my imagination as we look at creative ways to adapt to supply issues, increased anxiety and asymptomatic carriers.

How have you been helping others during the COVID-19 pandemic? 

I have worked hard to keep our staff safe as they care for sick patients and have stayed up to date on the latest information available on this outbreak so that I can provide education and policy updates as needed.

Anything else to share?

My time at Berry prepared me for this! While at Berry, I received an education that gave a global view of health and a solid understanding of the science behind planning for, responding to and recovering from this type of outbreak.


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