We're so inspired to hear the amazing stories from our Nursing grads working on the front lines during this COVID-19 pandemic. Here's what Morgan Massey (18C) said about her experience:
What do you do for a living?
I work as a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department at Redmond Regional Medical Center in Rome.
My sister, Kristen (Massey) Skibo (19C), is next to me in the photos; she is a registered nurse in ICU, also at Redmond Regional Medical Center.
How have you been impacted by COVID-19?
COVID-19 has not only impacted my personal life at home, but also my job.
Those diagnosed with COVID-19 are a complex patient to take care of. I strive day to day to not get distracted by the virus and to still care for the patient as I normally would. They are not just "someone with coronavirus," they are someone's family.

What would you tell Berry alums and/or students right now?
Please take this seriously and stay at home! I know it's not easy and it feels like you are trapped at home. But really you are safe at home, your friends and family are safe. Practice social distancing so we can get back to our normal lives.
Anything else to share?
I would like to thank all of those praying for healthcare workers. Please continue to pray for all front line staff, not just healthcare workers. Also, thank you to all of those who have made donations or provided support to us and our families.